Sunday, November 7, 2010

5 Ways to Reconcile a Broken Relationship

reconcile a love relationshipLove ? I love love love you. (Photo credit: @Doug88888)Bookmark and Share

Prove You Still Love Your Partner

There are several ways to express love to your partner other than saying the words "I Love You." Let's be realistic, the passion in a relationship does die down after a while. The heart pounding feeling and excitement of being with your significant other is not felt as often, if at all.

So the question is, "How do we get back the love, passion and affectionate feeling that enveloped us at the beginning of the relationship?"

It is a known fact that actions speak louder than words so below I have listed 5 ways to help you reconcile a fractured relationship and show your partner how much you really do love them:
  • Negotiate a compromise;  If there is an unresolved conflict or one of you is holding a grudge, compromise. The focus should be on finding the middle ground where both you and your partner can agree instead of who is right.
  • Flirt with each other;  This is light-hearten seduction with the intent of conveying love! Why not send a sexy text message or email while you are at work? This reminds the other person that you are thinking about him or her. Remind them that they are a wonderful mate. This also increases the intensity of love so that you actually look forward to seeing each other when you return home from work. 
  • Be a kid again;  There is no reason why couples at any age can't get into tickling matches. Accept that it is okay to be silly from time to time. Play games with your partner whether it be board games, video games or card games. Get naked and play twister, don't forget the baby oil! Okay, maybe that's a bit extream but the point is to bring down the wall between you and your partner.
  • Take up a hobby that you both can enjoy;  This is a good way to make your relationship stronger while adding in something fun. 
  • Express your love with words;  Surprise your lover with little notes found in unexpected places using those little sticky notes. Be creative and have some fun with this.
Give these five methods above a try and show your partner how much you truly love him/her. If you think it will take more than these 5 methods to reconcile your relationship, than you should consider this self help guide... help for broken marriage.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rebuild a Broken Relationship

how to prevent divorceIllustration signed by C[yrus] Fosmire which appeared in McClures Magazine with The Griswold Divorce Case by Frederic Taber Cooper, representing a hearing before a divorce referee held in a law office as part of the proceeding for a Divorce in New York City, circa 1900. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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5 Essential Steps on How to Prevent a Divorce

With divorce rates rising on what appears to be a daily basis, it is no surprise that people are wondering how to prevent a divorce. The good news is that it can be done, it is relatively easy when you put these five steps into action. Often the road to a divorce starts with one or the other partner having a "me attitude". When "B attitudes" are necessary for us to live with one another.

Make Time for Each Other

Your relationship will not survive unless you find time for each other and do this regularly. This doesn't mean throwing the odd comment at one another over the dinner table when the kids are fighting but actually making an effort to communicate. Put the kids to bed, switch the TV or computer off and sit down and have a chat. Talk about your day, your feelings and any issues that are worrying you. When keeping the lines of communication open, in all likelihood you will have less disagreements and misunderstandings over trivial things. Yes indeed, you will still fight once in a while but that is entirely natural. The best part about the fighting is the making up session afterwords.

Show Respect for One Another

It really doesn't matter how long you've been together always demonstrate respect for your spouse. Give them plenty of time for themselves. Don't expect to occupy their every waking moment. There will be times when your partner is going through a difficult time either because of work or personal problems that have nothing to do with your relationship. Be there for them at this time. This doesn't mean you have to solve the problem as that will not always be possible but if they know they have your support, it will help a great deal.

Never Slight Your Significant Other

You should never slight your partner not even in a moment of anger. When someone loves another person, they tend to open up to them and share weaknesses that they wouldn't share with anyone else. If that partner then uses this knowledge against them, the harm can be tremendous. So be careful and try to think before you act or open your mouth. If you do insult them, be quick to apologize and assure them you didn't intend for it to come out that way.

Show Appreciation

We are all guilty of taking things for granted including our health, our jobs and probably our mates. You should make a conscious effort to show your partner an expression of gratitude for their efforts. You know your spouse better that anyone, this also means that you understand how they like to be shown appreciation, so do it. For some people telling them verbally works while for others, they need gestures rather than just words. Taking time to complement your other half will increase your mutual appreciation and the bond between you making divorce less likely.

Last but Not Least, Show Forgiveness

Each and every one of us will mess up occasionally and rather than holding a grudge, why not practice forgiveness. You never know when you will make a big mistake and in time, you will want your spouse to return the favor. Nobody is perfect and you will have a more blissful marriage if you don't expect your mate to be.

Put into action these five prevent a divorce tips and you should never need a divorce lawyer!

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